Newly awarded Polish companies implement innovative solutions in Moldova.
In answer to the Polish Challenge Fund 5th Call for Proposals launched in July, 2022, the UNDP got 35 innovative solutions with total value of USD1,350,00.00. The deadline for sumbmissions was 15 September, 2022.
See the list of awardees:
- -> Adamaszki Sp. z o.o. – will implement an integration and training project, which ultimate aim is to create new jobs in Moldovan touristic and rural areas.
- -> Bridge-East Capital Sp. z o.o. – a promoter of the Wolves Summit, an event for starups and innovative companies, will implement an accelaration project for 12 Moldovan startups.
- -> Elocity Sp. z o.o. – will install an electric vehicle charging station with a full mobile and electronic solution to operate it.
- -> Makroterm Agata i Krzysztof Wąchała S.J. – will carry out thermal modernization of a school and kindergarten with devices powered by green energy sources.
- -> Science and Technology Park “Euro-Centrum” Sp. z o.o. – will prepare a full feasibility study for the use of renewable energy sources in public buildings of Ceadir-Lunga, and supervise its implementation.
- -> PPHU Soldrip Sp. z o.o. – will carry out a pilot assembly of tables for the production of high quality vegetables.
- -> Proidea Sp. z o.o. – will share its knowledge and experience from the implementation of hakckaton events.
- -> SEEDiA Sp. z o.o. – will apply a flagship smart city solution by installing a “green” bus shelter equipped with electronic timetable readers.
- -> Spinnea Sp. z o.o. – will implement an intelligent traffic management system at one of the intersections in the city of Balti.
The initiatives will be implemented from December 2022 to June 2023 in the Republic of Moldova.
Polish Challenge Fund is an initiative of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub, supporting the use of innovative solutions and Polish know-how, knowledge and experience in order to solve development challenges in selected partner countries of Polish Aid. The 5th edition of PCF is held in the Republic of Moldova.
We congratulate the winners and invite interested companies to submit applications in the next editions of the Polish Challenge Fund.
For more information please reach out to:
Magdalena Kudlicka, Polish Challenge Fund Project Manager
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