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Know Your Challenge


Urban Workshop sp. z o.o.

Local Partner:
Rustavi Innovation Hub

Total budget:
US$ 53 874

Requested budget:
US$ 39 994

Time Frame:
20.02.2024 – 10.12.2024

This project aims to address the challenge faced by Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Georgia, who heavily rely on external funding but struggle with nuanced problem identification and effective grant applications. Urban Workshop proposes a digital solution, a futures-based participatory protocol, to guide CSOs through problem analysis and solution development, enhancing their ability to access and utilize external funding. The key features include stakeholder engagement, easy replication, networking, and the use of foresight and trend analysis for more resilient solutions. The project involves three phases: localizing innovation, implementing the digital tool, and testing/training, with a focus on the Kvemo Kartli region initially and subsequent nationwide scaling. Sustainability is ensured through licensing the platform to grant-making organizations and providing additional paid services.


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