The Irrigationand Fertigation System for 20 Vertical Floodign Table – Pilot Project
Republic of Moldova
PPHU Soldrip Sp. z o.o.
Local Partner:
Ulei Eco Grup S.R.L.
Total budget:
US$ 50,000
Requested budget:
US$ 39,540
Time Frame:
30.11.2022 – 30.6.2023
The progressive urbanization for food in urbanistic areas, and collapse of a stabilized global fod system as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the current Russian agression against Ukraine, forces the need to develop alternative food systems. It is needed to use modern technologies and introduce innovations in agriculture and food production in order to obtain a uniform, standard production throughout a year.
Solution: Propsed irrgiation and fertigation system of vertical flood tables with the use of the closed curcuit and water treatment through mechanical filtration will significantly reduce the consumpiton of water and fertilizers. Full automation is possible thanks to the controlling computer. The system of plants growing on vertical flood tables ensures constant access to safe and high-quality food. The advantage of it is the possibility to obtain the product throughout the year, regardless the prevailing weather conditions.