Save the Bread: Upscaling the bread waste into baking super-flour
Rebread sp. z o.o.
Local Partner:
„Glincor-Com” S.R.L.
Total budget:
US$ 58 370
Requested budget:
US$ 39 800
Time Frame:
20.02.2024 – 10.12.2024
Rebread addresses Moldova’s food waste challenge, focusing on stale bread by introducing a local recycling and upcycling pilot in the Stefan Voda region. The project stands out for its innovative approach, transforming waste bread into super-flour with diverse industrial applications, reducing costs and environmental impact. Stale bread from Glincore-Com is turned into super-flour, extending freshness and cutting production costs. Rebread’s sustainability lies in its circular approach, reducing food waste, curbing emissions, and optimizing land use.
Press Release: