Increasing population resilience to air pollutants in Ukraine
Lichba Sp. z o.o.
Local Partner:
NGO SaveDnipro
Total budget, incl. co-financing:
US$ 53,655
US$ 31,875
Time Frame:
15.10.2021 – 31.5.2022

Air pollution and related amounts of death are very important topics worldwide. Mortality from air pollution in Ukraine is relatively high. According to a WHO, study 54,507 people died from air pollution in 2012 in Ukraine. Statistics show 120 deaths per 100,000 population. Air pollution in Ukraine causes 4 times more deaths than in the 5 “cleanest countries” in the world. It is worth noting that according to two studies during 2020, high levels of air pollution increased the death risk from COVID-19. Ukraine has developed and adopted a National Emissions Reduction Plan which was aimed, in particular, for environmental modernization to reduce dust emissions.
Lichba sp.z.o.o. is a Polish company providing novel solutions that automates outdoor environmental data analysis and provides recommendations for an end user on how to improve quality of life. The Lichba solution “Djinn EI” allows the ability to extract environmental data from different sources, analyze it in real-time, and deliver easily-understandable information about the environmental impact to every citizen.
Lichba expects to grow in 5 regions of Ukraine where residents will use the data analytics service and receive recommendations on how to improve the quality of different activities (work, rest, sleep, sport etc.) using existing SaveEcobot and a new widget on governmental websites. The chatbot will be modified to educate end users with eco-friendly practices and healthcare advice.
Lichba Sp. z o.o.:
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