Innovative Green Technology for Wastewater Treatment
Republic of Belarus
EKOPROM Michał Hawryłyszyn
Local Partner:
LTD „Beltiehargoplast”
Total budget, incl. co-financing:
US$ 79,085
US$ 40,000
Time Frame:
15.7.2020 – 28.2.2021
The vast majority of Belarusian villages do not have sewage treatment systems. This also occurs in a great number of service facilities (agrotourism, inns, bars, hotels, gas stations, cultural institutions etc.) and households in dispersed areas along with numerous housing estates on the outskirts of cities distant from urban central sewage systems. Due to this situation, huge amounts of sewage are drained illegally into water reservoirs or into the ground, causing environmental pollution and epidemiological threats.
The Polish company developed an innovative technology of a comprehensive wastewater treatment which eliminates odour and allows full sewage utilization, without the necessity of removing sewage sludge (which is unique). The production was Belarus-based and the process ends with purified water (supporting small retention) and bio humus (completely safe organic fertilizer). The project aimed introduction into the Belarusian market’s innovative wastewater treatment plants.
LTD „Beltiehargoplast”:
Press Release: