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Interpreting air quality data for the city of Minsk with isofix (heat) map using machine learning technologies and analytics

Republic of Belarus

Airly Sp. z o.o.

Local Partner:
VidaLink LCC

Total budget, incl. co-financing:
US$ 59,810

US$ 35,840

Time Frame:
8.12.2020 – 15.4.2021

There is no open data on air pollution that can come from the Belarusian territory. Air pollution open data is required by hundreds of gadgets, mobile applications and services, like applications for runners and cyclists which may display on smartphones and watches; air purifiers owners who can remotely switch ON their devices, or applications for people suffering from respiratory diseases. There is a lack of such technologies in the Belarusian market.

Continuation of the “Exchange of Air Pollution Monitoring and Forecast Solutions Using Machine Learning Technologies and Analytics” project, aimed at creation of Isofix (heat) map based on outdoor sensors network. Using an optical method of measurement and supporting it with machine learning algorithms for calibrating the measurements and monitor sensors activity, as innovative and low-cost solution for providing information about air quality from wide areas.


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