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Innovillage – Talent scaling for sustainable tourism


Adamaszki sp. z o.o.

Local Partner:
Georgian Agritourism Regional Association

Total budget:
US$ 52 100

Requested budget:
US$ 40 000

Time Frame:
20.02.2024 – 10.12.2024

The InnoVillage Georgia project aims to tackle challenges in rural areas, including a lack of knowledge and resources for sustainable tourism development, insufficient understanding of local heritage and ecology in tourism, skills enhancement for marginalized groups in Digital Creative sectors, and the need for strengthened local connections. The initiative targets IDP settlements, seeking to address social and economic inclusion challenges through connecting women and residents from the Digital Creative sector with local government representatives. The project, envisions workshops and mentoring sessions to facilitate knowledge transfer, with specific teams formed for five rural locations. The initiative, with a successful precedent in Moldova, emphasizes sustainable tourism development, skills enhancement, and the creation of replicable models for rural and experiential tourism.


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