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Digitalization of the Fruit and Vegetables Market Utilizing a B2B Trading Platform to Strengthen the Export Potential of the Beneficiary Country.


DeFood sp. z o.o.

Local Partner:
Georgians Farmers Association

Total budget:
US$ 71 740

Requested budget:
US$ 39 900

Time Frame:
20.02.2024 – 10.12.2024

This project addresses challenges in the Georgian fruit and vegetable market by creating a B2B online agricultural exchange in Poland. The key challenges include diversifying export structures, increasing international visibility, and shortening supply chains for better farmer profitability. The innovative solution combines year-round visibility and real-time updates through a digital passport feature. Activities include preparing producers for export, implementing digital tools, and developing trade agreements with Polish buyers. Aligned with SDG2, the project aims to create international business connections and enhance the profitability and professionalization of Georgian farmers.


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