InnoVillage- Talent scaling for sustainable tourism
Republic of Moldova
Adamaszki sp. z o.o.
Local Partner:
Red Pill Investment LLC
Total budget:
US$ 58,500
Requested budget:
US$ 38,500
Time Frame:
28.11.2022 – 30.6.2023
Problem: InnoVillage Project aims to address 4 actual challenges met in Moldova: 1. lack of knowledge ang resources to develop sustainable tourism in rural areas, 2. The ICT sector in Moldova is too small and has limited scale potential, 3. Women are marginalized in the ICT sector in Moldova, despite their creative potencial, 4. Ukrainian refugees accommodated in Moldova struggle with social and economic inclusion due to cultural and language differences.
Solution: The goal of project is to connect women and refugees form the ITC sector with Local Public Authority representatives from Moldovan villages to develop digital solutions (outcome) and contribute to the development of tourism and the economy. The Project planned activities (hackathon, workshop, mentoring session) are designed to facilitate knowledge and expertise transfer and to guide the Teams in developing the outcomes. For beneficiaries from the ICT sector, created digital solutions will be a great element in their portfolio that can prove their competencies and find new job opportunities.
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